In-Person Worship Resumes

On November 11, the Indiana Dept. of Health removed the “red” COVID-19 advisory level for Blackford County. As a result, Zion Lutheran will resume in-person worship starting November 14, 2021.

The decision to hold in-person or online-only worship is made in conjunction with the Dept. of Health advisory levels. This changes weekly Wednesdays at or around noon. You can always check here, social media, or call the church office to learn if we will be having in-person worship. If you are not yet on our announcements email list, please sign up HERE.

Masks continue to be required for those attending in person. We have masks available for you if you forget to bring your own to worship, just check in with an usher.

The well-being and safety of our members and community continues to be our highest concern. If for any reason you are unable to worship with us or are uncomfortable gathering, we have other options to bring the Word of God to you. You can worship with us by watching a recording of our church service (check our webpage weekly for a link), we can mail a DVD or CD to you, or we will mail a written copy of the sermon, scripture readings, and announcements. Just call (765-348-3157) or email the church office.